[BIG ANNOUNCEMENT] Welcome to Jewel Club!

We are thrilled to announce that we have rebranded from Raicom to Jewel Club. This is more than just a change of name. Our rebrand symbolizes our dedication to delivering outstanding products and creating exceptional experiences for our customers.

To support our growing values, mission, and goals, we wanted a name that would better reflect our product offerings and create a sense of community among our customers.

We settled on Jewel Club because it embodies everything we stand for – elegance & community. Our goal has always been to provide premium products, while building a cherished community in the process. With this name, we hope to capture more of our brand’s true mission.

With the new name comes a new logo and improved website design, which better reflect our brand identity. The logo features a modern, minimalist design with a touch of elegance, and the website has been revamped to provide a faster, more seamless shopping experience for our customers.

We are excited about this new chapter in our journey and look forward to serving our customers as Jewel Club. We invite our existing customers to join us in this new adventure and welcome new members to our community. We are grateful for your loyalty and are excited to keep growing and innovating to meet your needs.

Jewel Club retires its old Raicom logo. Thank you to all of our loyal customers!